Friday 16 October 2020

Make America Sane Again

The world needs the US to be of sound mind. For then it will see that to look after the American people, it should not be divisive either within or beyond its borders. It will seek to understand what really works to make lives better for everyone, and keep at bay the rantings of deranged narcissists.

Let us hope that on 3 November, an end is put to the madness of the last four years. In its place, we look forward to signs of a genuine recovery.

First of all, isn’t it time to get much closer to affordable healthcare for all? Did it really take an inescapable pandemic for the richest country in the world to realise how outrageously wrong it is that millions of its own citizens must suffer and die just because they are denied the necessary jobs and income? Universal healthcare has to be the most fundamental of human safety net.

Next up, the ‘unscrupulous takes all’ economy has to change. So long as corporate cheats can use tax loopholes, relentless lobbying, political donations, etc. to amass a fortune for themselves while leaving most people with insecure, underpaid jobs or no jobs at all, there will be insufficient demand to sustain supplies. Worker cooperatives, community enterprise, strategic regulation and investment, are needed to give people a dependable livelihood.

Thirdly, urgent action is needed to tackle pollution, depletion of non-renewable resources, and climate change threats, all of which have surged ahead under a leader who has cared more about playing golf than not inflicting harm on countless people. These problems require international collaboration, and the sooner callous unilateralism is moved aside, the more chance we will have for a sustainable future.

Fourthly, the world has had enough of Putin’s ambassador to the White House disrupting global security to serve Russia’s geopolitical interest. Sanity calls for, not a return to military intimidation abroad to boost a false patriotism at home, but for a new era of calm leadership and rational cooperation with other countries to secure peace and stability.

Last, and certainly not least, there has to be an unmistakable resolve to put an end to vile discrimination and the politics of hate. The gratuitous stoking of animosity against people based on their gender or race; the standing alongside of misogynists, homophobes, and racists as an shameless ally; and the abuse of executive power to target the vulnerable – all this must be irrevocably displaced by a new dawn of respect and decency.

All these changes are possible. A path to civic recovery is feasible.
On 3rd November – Make America Sane Again.

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